Sat 11 Jan
anyone up 4 MEETING and FUCKING in TEXAS straight to the good stuff? (NSA) ~ w4m - 21
(Fuckersville, TEXAS)
Let Me MAKE YOUR BEAT Independent Beauty
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, In your arms ;))
Fri 10 Jan
★ ~ ★~ 【I"ll 】 ★【Show U】★~ 【What】 ★ 【DREAMS】~ ★~ 【Are】★【Made Off】~~ - 21
(Waco, waco/ incalls/Outcalls)
COME PLAY WITH THE BEST! Dnt waste ur money on the rest... ~°0ut 0f thiS w0Rld°~° - 21
(I 35 & 4TH STREET)
❤ ❤ € X Ø T I C ❤ ————— ❤BRUNETTE❤ ————— ❤ P L A Y M A T € ❤ - 25
the perfect choice to satisfy any craving!
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
★ (ADD¡Ct¡V€ ) °•★ ( BLonDE CuT¡€) ★ LET ME BE YOUR # 1 FANTASY ! ! !(SpEcIAlS) (MELYSSA) - 30
Thu 09 Jan
Classy enough for white tie affairs... - 19
(Austin, In town, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco)
SuMMeR SpeciaL (254) 300-6362 — Real Smiles — Amazing Curves — Good Times — - 25
(Waco, WACO- Down Town & Baylor Area)
***WOW*** 80!!! *BeInG* __!!__ *ThIs * __!!__* BaD *__!!__ * FeELs* __!!__* So0* __!!__ *Go0D - 23
(Waco, Waco/ belmead- hwy 35)
Will be in Dallas for 2weeks. Ts Lola contact if your in Dallas!!!! - 23
(Waco, Waco tx Richland mall)
waiting & willing to ac0mpany y0u t0 y0ur desires..
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, anywhere you want me!)
hello gentlemen lets get the party started!
(Austin, Killeen/Temple/Ft Hood, San Marcos, Waco, In my bedroom putting on a corset :-P)
Wed 08 Jan
1OO% Rεaℓ ▬▬▬▬▬ Upscαℓε ♥ ▬▬▬Are▬▬▬ ♥ ßεαuty ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥ αvαiℓabℓε! ▬▬▬▬▬▬ ♥#1 Pℓαγmαtε - 25
(Austin, round rock incalls and outcalls)
♥♥ Come Warm Up With Me♥♥Best You Ever Had ♥♥Jesyka♥♥ - 22
(Waco, Waco, Temple/Killeen, South Ft. Worth)
**** NEW M!CH!GAN G!rL N @ TEXAS WORLD *** call KIWI 7343150186 - 23
(Waco, Waco,Bellmead and surrounding areas)
~~~•~~~ S€x¥ KiNk¥ H0T BLOnd€ Pl@¥M@T€ ~~~•~~~ Ju$T 4 ¥0U C@LL N0w~ $60$pecials *21* - 21
(Waco, south waco)
WARNING ---------★ aMaZiNG SKiLLS ★ ----------★ √√ GReaT ReVieWS★ ----------★ SiNFuL- SeXy, (Spec.) - 30
[ SeXy GIRL NeXt DOOR ]] ~ [[ YOUR LittLe SeCrEt ]] ~ [[ READY TO PLEASE You]] ~ [[100 specs]] - 30
Tue 07 Jan
____________ N_A_U_G_H_T_Y !!! _ H_O_T_T_I_E * __ ( One __ Of ___ a _ KiND ) __ LeT'S PlaY!! ! - 26
NEW ————————— SEXY ———————————— BUSTY ———————————— BLONDE —————————— AvailaBLe—NOW ! ! !——————— - 24
(Austin, Austin....Domain Area.... in/call)
I'm back in twn Let this Big booty Cutie Please You! new pics.. . - 28
(waco ,Temple,Killeen Will travel to you!)
💞💞💖💖💗A step above the rest! Come see for yourself no talk just action!💖💖💞💞 Call Ana - 25
(Waco, Baylor)
Mon 06 Jan
$$60_REAL & REaDY___ .... E V E R Y T H I N G___....____ you __ .... __ N E E D____ & ___ WANT !!!!! - 23
(Waco, Waco/ your place or mine)
Fri 03 Jan